Junction Triangle Precinct Plan - Now Posted

On November 18th 2010, there was a Junction Triangle neighbourhood planning charrette hosted by York University Faculty of Environmental Studies MES Students, at which the students presented some of their research about our neighbourhood as well as future planning possibilities. Much feedback was gathered from the 50 or residents who attended this meeting, and now the students' project is complete.

The group members are now sharing the precinct plan with the community, City staff, and local developers. Though this was a student project and doesn't officially bear any weight, there are likely many ideas in this document that should be considered, and may indeed come to fruition at some point in the future [Note: I have not read this document myself yet].

The following is a note from Prof. Steve Heuchert who lead the project, and the attached final project.

Hello to Junction Triangle Community Members

At long last, please see attached the York University students' Junction Triangle Precinct Plan. I hope you find it useful in your endeavours. Please feel free to share with your fellow community members.

The document has been sent to the City and Castlepoint Developments.

For those of you who don't know, Councillor Bailao has initiated the City's own study of the area. See the item approved at City Council at: http://app.toronto.ca/tmmis/decisionBodyProfile.do?function=doPrepare&me.... Click on Item TE5.53.

All the best,
Steve Heuchert, MCIP, RPP, MRTPI

And this is the introduction text from the attached document:

The following is a proposed precinct plan for the Junction Triangle neighbourhood. Developed over the autumn of 2010, this plan was written by graduate students who took part in a Bioregional Planning Workshop within the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University. Under the direction of the course instructors Steve Heuchert, MCIP, RPP, MRTPI and Quentin Hanchard, MCIP, RPP, the precinct plan is intended to provide a new perspective on the current planning and development processes that have and continuing to take place in the Junction Triangle. Integrating the knowledge gained from academic texts with personal exposure to the neighbourhood through site visits and a community engagement session, this plan should be read as an analytical interpretation of the land uses and conditions as they exist and continue to define the neighbourhood. Originally narrated by a number of authors, and further refined in February 2011, this precinct plan provides an in‐depth examination of the present planning context, land use, public realm, built form, cultural heritage, housing and residential development, community services, natural heritage, and transportation. This document will begin by providing the physical context of the Junction Triangle and then expand upon the purpose of the plan and its relevance to ongoing planning and development processes.

Junction Triangle Precinct Plan Final April 2011 Compressed Version.pdf2 MB