Wilco (my dog/Havanese) bolted out of my backyard gate this morning when it started to thunder (Dupont and Symington area). Gate had been left open by the pest control guy. Been missing ever since. Noticed yesterday that the tag I just had engraved with his name and my phone number was no longer on his collar, so unfortunately there is no way to identify him. Called Toronto animal services, but no luck. If any Toronto west-enders see a little white/cream pup roaming the streets, please take a closer look to see if it's my little guy if you don't mind. Feel free to share this post with your Toronto friends - I'd appreciate it. Thanks! Ben Fenlon (416) 301-0828

PHOTO: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/1157530_...