The Fixer: Dangerous conditions on Dupont St.

Jack Lakey, writer of the Toronto Star's "Fixer" column reported today on a dangerous pair of sewer grates on Dupont St., north side between Edwin Ave. and Osler Ave. (map).

"Pietro Taleporos emailed us photos of a sunken storm-sewer grate on the north side of Dupont, just west of Edwin Ave., with a utility cover next to it that caught the wheel of his 14-year-old son's bicycle and sent him sprawling."

Also, according to the article, "a small cone and a much larger, orange-and-black traffic pylon were placed over the rough patch", although this was definitely not the case when I rode by at about 8:40 this morning.

You can view the original article on The Star's website here.

This is definitely a dangerous situation for any cyclist who does not see this chewed up section of road in time to ride around it. Let's hope the City fixes this soon.

This section of Dupont St., between Dundas and Lansdowne, is also scheduled to have bicycle lanes installed, possibly sometime this summer. This will connect to the Annette St. bike lanes, and the West Toronto Rail Path. It will be even more critical to have this fixed before then, as the bicycle traffic will likely increase, while cyclists will be directed to ride right through the roughed-up curbside pavement.

A version of this article has been cross-posted to I Bike T.O.