Has Ana Bailao Become a Conservative?

Here is a link to my blog showing whose team which councillor is on...


At today's council meeting: The BIG SURPRISE is that by the narrowest of margins (26-16, needed 27 votes and 2 councillors not there - Grimes and Moeser), city council decided NOT to discuss the Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) item and will now not be discussed until next month.

Sad to see my supposedly Liberal #TOCouncil cnclr Ana Bailao side with the Fordites on #TCHC .... A Closet Conservative? #ward18

Tweet from I_LUVTO: @KenWood_ward18 Don't worry #ward18 people don't like Ford and if Ana Bailao keeps voting with him she will be voted out

I wonder if my fellow constituents know that Ana has become pretty much entrenched in the Ford camp? Ward18 did NOT want ford as Mayor...


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TCHC voting

For what it is worth, it looks like Ana voted against the motion to remove the board members.


I think it is safe to say the statement "Ana has become pretty much entrenched in the Ford camp" is false.

I don't think it makes much sense to be fabricating conspiracy theories over every vote held. This case in particular is so widely misrepresented that it is not reasonable to extrapolate much. The auditor recommended the improvement of financial controls and discipline. The board were not implicated in the report at all. Replacing the board with a single person weakens the governance if anything. The issue council was voting on was how best to govern the organization. Nobody was voting to approve waste. The vote was not a pledge of loyalty to a particular team. And Sue-Ann Levy's headline "GREEDY, PETULANT, SELF-RIGHTEOUS JERKS" says more about the author that anything else.

My interpretation is the first vote shows that Ana was prepared to discuss the issue. The second shows she was not convinced that replacing the board with a single person would address the issues raised by the auditor. Technically this is an accurate assessment. Even if these votes do not reflect your personal preference, they seem reasonable enough.

Swing Vote

Well put Warren. There is also a story here:


This story says that Ana is part of a group of 6 swing voters on council who are not part of any group (it does suggest that Ana is centre left and mentions that the old City of Toronto voted against Ford). I remain alarmed that the TCHC Auditors Report was hardly read by anybody because it painted a different picture of the Board than Ford did.

Why Did You Remove My Posting Then

It seems even non-objectionable content is being censored.
(I had posted about Ana Bailao's voting performance at city council)


... after I post that suddenly I see my posting... ?
Is there a built in delay?

No delays

Hi Ken,

When you posted the initial forum topic post, it would have showed up right away in the forums list and in the "Active forum topics" bar on the right side of the page, near the bottom. When someone comments on it, that comment will show up in "Recent comments".

Yes...I wish those lists were merged. I want to figure that out sometime.

Anonymous comment removed

I removed an anonymous comment that included a personal attack on the original poster.

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