Meet and Greet your Ward18 Candidates

The following meeting announcement was sent by the organizers:

Meet and Greet your Ward18 Candidates

Ana Bailao, Kevin Beaulieu, Doug Carroll, Frank De Jong, Abdirazak Elmi, Nha Le, Joe MacDonald, Mohammad Muhit, Kirk Russell, Hema Vyas,

On Monday, October 25th, 2010 Torontonians will be going to the polls to vote for their favorite Mayor, City Councillor and Trustee. So please take this opportunity to meet your Candidates for Ward18. After each candidates opening remarks, we will then open the floor to Q&A. We welcome and encourage participation from the audience.

WHEN: Monday, August 09, 2010

WHERE: 55 Rankin Crescent
North of Bloor St.West, East of Symington & Campbell and South of Wallace

Up dates: 6:30-7:00PM
Jack Fava-Update on the Mayoral Debate and email from GO re: closing of Wallace Ave Barrie Line
Virginia Novak-Update on Paton Road “Community Garden” adjacent to Park (dead end)
Mike Sullivan-Clean Train Coalition- Informing residents about electric trains and the group (CTC)
Representative from the Toronto Police 11 division

Meet & Greet: 7:00PM-9:00PM

Debate Organizers

Jack Fava (HOST)
Cell# 416-301-5367

Virginia Novak (MODERATOR)
Home# 416-537-8006

Este é um anúncio público. Queridos amigos e vizinhos, queremos informar que estamos a organizar um meet and greet, sua reunião ward18 candidatos. Infelizmente não teremos qualquer intérpretes, mas ainda sinto que é importante que informar os residentes na comunidade. Ansiosos para vê-lo lá.

Este es un anuncio público. Queridos amigos y vecinos, queremos informarles que estamos organizando un conocer y saludar, reunidos en su ward18 candidatos. Lamentablemente, no tendrá ningún intérpretes, pero aún así siento que es importante que informar a los residentes en la comunidad. ¡Espero verlos allí.

Questo è un annuncio pubblico. Cari amici e vicini di casa, desideriamo informarLa che stiamo organizzando un incontro e di saluto, il vostro incontro ward18 candidati. Purtroppo non avrà alcun interpreti, ma sento ancora che sia importante che noi informare i residenti della comunità. Attendo con ansia di incontrarvi lì.

Đây là một thông báo công khai. Kính gửi bạn bè và hàng xóm, chúng tôi muốn thông báo cho bạn rằng chúng tôi có tổ chức gặp gỡ và chào hỏi, đáp ứng viên ward18 của bạn. Thật không may chúng tôi sẽ không có bất kỳ thông dịch viên, nhưng vẫn cảm thấy điều quan trọng là chúng tôi thông báo cho cư dân trong cộng đồng. Mong được gặp bạn ở đó.


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Why are Locals not invited?

How come the Junction Triangle Rail Committee, which works with the Clean Train Coalition and with Mike Sullivan was not invited or asked to speak considering that they would have more detail on the local aspects than Mike may have ? They are listed on this website so they are not hard to find especially since they just had 4 successful weeks of music in local parks and have attended every Metrolinx meeting (never seen the people running this event at ANY MX public consultation.The meet and greet at Boo's sounds more like a community based event than this one.

If you are concerned about the MX situation and want to get involved there is an active group, since day 1, representing the concerns of JT so contact them to get the lowdown and get involved.

Again, why were locals not invited?