ParkBus Provincial Park Service

I dont want to start a flood of commercial messages on the site but recently I became aware of a service that I had never heard of that was green and potentially a great idea for families that don't own a car but want some nature in their lives.

This clever bus service basically takes you to a few of Ontario's best provincial parks. Until they started there was no transit to any Ontario Parks and this project is a project of the Transportation Options (T.O.), a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering sustainable tourism and transportation in Ontario.

Its not going to work for everybody and there is a cost but you can bring camping gear and they have a person on each bus to talk about good camping practices and to help in terms of finding an outfitter when you get to the park. It also sounds like a great way to make new friends while getting some fresh air.

If anybody has used or uses the service let us know how it went.