South Perth and Sterling cleanup: Summary and photos

The following account of last Saturday's Community Cleanup hosted by the South Perth and Sterling Road Residents Association is from Philip Share:

On Saturday April 16, on a gloomy wet and freezing cold morning, a small dedicated group made their way down to the very wet patch of gravel at the foot of Sterling Road and Perth Avenue South, once there they commenced operation clean-up!

This event was no easy task, given that the rain was pelting down and soaking everyone from head to toe and the wind was chilling all.
This group was made up of local residents including both Chairs of the South Perth and Sterling Road Residents Association, the local Municipal Councillor Ana Bailao & Rio Tinto Alcan Representative Marilyn McCrae came out to help (her 4th year of participating), volunteers from far and wide including Andy H off of Campbell who did an enormous amount of work, in an area that he doesn't have regular connections with, and Alan G who came all the way from Jarvis Street to do his part in a community Cleanup of course some of the local residents and members from the Church of the First Born that also took time out of their day to help and make the open spaces look better and provide hot beverages and snacks.

Jason and Mike who started clearing up in the laneway on the Friday so that if the weather was as awful as it turned out to be on Saturday, they would be able to put their remaining energies into the area at the south end of Sterling Road - Thank you so much to everyone!!
What alway becomes glaringly obvious on these clean up days is how many residents who never attend, could do more !! Just by sweeping up at their front door, picking up the empty paint cans & garbage on their lawns & porches and just helping to keep the overall area looking better all year round, it doesn't take a lot of effort if you do it regularly but, if you leave it all season then it seems to be too big a job!

Take a broom, sweep the street in front of your house whenever the weather allows, you will feel better about your home and the street overall will look fantastic.



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Great team effort

Kudos to Phillip for organizing the event, those who cleaned up and the Church for providing refreshments and hospitality and warmth.
Despite the cold rain, I must say it was a rewarding experience.


Sure does look nice when it is all tidied up!