Jack Layton

I was very saddened today to hear the news about Jack Layton's death this morning after a tough battle with cancer. He did amazing things for the working people of this country and for his party. He will be deeply missed. He left a very eloquent letter that was published today. It is well worth a read regardless of your political persuasion: http://beta.images.theglobeandmail.com/archive/01310/Jack_Layton_s_lett_...

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Jack Layton

The one thing that has struck me about the whole memorial wall and the grief from the public is that there have been so many young people, some too young to vote yet, venturing out to pay their respects. It shows what good this man has done when our future generations are moved and touched by his causes.

jack layton and andrew cash

Nice piece in NOW magazine about Andrew Cash's memories of Jack Layton. He says, "Jack’s famed energy, his uptempo vibe and intense focus inspired me to work my ass off in Davenport. I saw how hard he was working and that he was doing it with such joy and grace despite the political knocks and the cancer." The full article is here: http://www.nowtoronto.com/news/story.cfm?content=182395