Shinny for girls under 18 at Campbell Rink

There is a new program at Campbell rink this season: slow- to medium-paced shinny for girls under 18 Sundays 3:15-4:30pm after pleasure skating. $2 skate rentals available. (Please bring a piece of government-issued ID). We also a very small number of hockey sticks to lend.

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Nice to see girls under 18

Nice to see girls under 18 getting some time for their own shinny at the rink. Great work Michael.

What is shinny?

In my experience working at Campbell, I have found some rink users are confused by the word shinny
For those who don't know, shinny is hockey without full equipment and usually no goaltender. Since players aren't wearing equipment, there is no body checking or raising the puck. Shinny is the informal hockey you see at most outdoor rinks in Toronto. People also call it pond hockey or pick-up hockey.