Perth Dupont Library: Original Location !

The Perth Dupont Library was Toronto's first "storefront library" opening on November 9 1977. Interesting that even at the original corner of Perth and Dupont the size was an issue. Does this sound familiar: "programming is still a problem because of the limited amount of space". With the expansion project we have the chance to lick this for once and for all. If anybody knows who the first patron was and how we can contact him please let us know.

Original StaffOriginal Staff
TPL Newsletter Fall 1977TPL Newsletter Fall 1977
Branch Photo DetailBranch Photo Detail

Community News StoryCommunity News Story

First Patron November 9 1977First Patron November 9 1977

Opening DayOpening Day

Original InvitationOriginal Invitation

Original InvitationOriginal Invitation


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Love how the Orginal Invitation was done in Multi Languages

I really was impressed with the orginal Invitation way it was done in so many languages. Don't remember the demographics of the JT back them compared to now. But they were really trying to be inclusive as I remember. JF


Been in JT since SEP-1976 and it was mostly Italian and Ukrainian then.

Does Anybody Know

So who was that first patron? Somebody who grew up in the hood must know. It would be so cool for him to come to the new expansion.

Original Patron

You'd have to ask Carmen Martino who's still at Perth Dupont. I remember going there and having long conversations with Rick Ficek as well as Carmen back then.