Noise from the Rail Grade Separation Project

There's a good chance that you have noticed all of the construction happening at the West Toronto Diamond (where the major railway corridors intersect), especially if you live in the north-west corner of our neighbourhood. The pile driving can occasionally be heard as far away as Symington and Bloor.

The Junctioneer Blog has posted about this project, and included some good links to more documentation about it.

The following message was posted to Councillor Gord Perks' blog:

Go Transit grade separation project in CN/CP rail corridors

Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding the construction noise and vibrations at the West Toronto Diamond Rail Yard.

Please be advised that the City of Toronto’s Noise By-law is not applicable when the noise is generated as a result of activities on either provincial or federal lands.

I have received several complaints about the noise emanating from the site. In response to those complaints, I have asked staff to contact GO Transit who are responsible for overseeing the construction activities. I understand that GO is well aware that some of the noise and vibration as a result of the pile driving activities may be of concern to some of the area residents. Staff kindly asked them to attempt to resolve the neighbourhood’s concerns. I understand that City staff were advised that all construction work is occurring during the hours our Noise By-law would normally permit, however our Noise By-law is not applicable in this case.

The City’s GO contact has provided me with telephone numbers and contact information for the public to call to address any concerns they have about the on-going work. As of February 23, 2009, the public can contact McCormack Rankin, the contract administrator, at 416-604-9582.

You may also want to contact the office of MP Gerard Kennedy at 416-769-5072 or by email at should your complaints not be resolved in a timely manner.

Thank you.


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let me correct this: the pile

let me correct this: the pile driving can be heard *consistently* even farther (i'm on merchant lane)