Toronto Public Library - Perth/Dupont Branch

Use this discussion forum for talking about our local library, located at 1589 Dupont St., at the corner of Franklin Ave.


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DPRA Consulting suggests closing Perth/Dupont Library

From The Star:

"A consulting firm hired to assess the efficiency of the city’s library system has recommended closing 14 branches.

The recommendation is certain to be ignored. City council emphatically rejected any branch closures after another consulting firm suggested them in the summer.

That firm, KPMG, made a general suggestion of branch closures as part of a cursory analysis of the library system. The second firm, DPRA, was far more detailed in its analysis and recommendations, identifying 14 specific “underperforming” branches for “consolidation.”

The branches are Swansea, Todmorden Room, Davenport, Victoria Village, Evelyn Gregory, Long Branch, Mount Pleasant, Humber Bay, Pleasantview, Jones, Taylor, Queen/Saulter, St.Clair/Silverthorn, and Perth/Dupont."

Emphasis is mine. It's important to note that these were a consultant's suggestions, not the City's, and that it's highly unlikely at this point that any branch closure will happen.

Complete article is here:

Consulting Report Lacks Credability and Methodology

Consultants reports are dime a dozen and in some cases like with Rob Ford they are preordained to fit an existing ideology. The KMPG studies were considered by most to be leading on their scope and somewhat rigged to a "Sygma 6" management way of looking at the world (which is a methodology that I don't agree with in terms of measuring value.) . Cutting everything by 10% is just an arbitrary number that Rob Ford pulled from his hat and these studies about finding "efficiencies" is just cover to make cuts whether they are needed or not.

First off:
"DPRA’s report does not precisely explain how it arrived at its rankings of branch performance. A company official did not respond to a request for comment." First alarm bell has gone off for me. If you cant explain your criteria then your report should be tossed.

The report created a list "identifying 14 specific “underperforming” branches for “consolidation.” Alarm bell goes off again as what exactly is the definition of an underpreforming branch? If you look at the list most of the branches are the small local ones with small circulations. These consultants probably got paid a whack of our money and just looked at the 14 smallest branches and that's it. Wow what a study. Actual library stats show that the Perth Dupont branch is seeing large increases in circulation and usage so obviously it is getting busier. "Underperorming"? Compared to what?

I guess these branches would be sold off and the money put into general revenue. Oh I think I know what the actual criteria for this study was. : )

Eventually people will figure out Ford's shell game and people will see that City Government is not a business and cannot be run like a business and these daft consultant reports will go on to a shelf like most do, never see the light of day again. The best news though is this:

"The recommendation is certain to be ignored. City council emphatically rejected any branch closures after another consulting firm suggested them in the summer."

Ana Bailao on Library cuts and Perth/Dupont Branch

From the Globe & Mail, August 4-5 2011:

"A rookie councillor occupying the influential middle ground at city hall, Ms. Bailao has been working to expand the Perth Dupont library, which has the fifth-lowest circulation in the city. That figure is deceptive, she says, because the library is small. “You go there on a Saturday morning and it’s packed, completely packed,” she said. “If we want to attract the best and brightest from around the world and educate the best and brightest, talking of closing down libraries is not the way to go. There isn’t much appetite for it on council. This is not gravy; this is our future.”"

Bailao Supports Libraries including Ours

Bailao's closing line is one of the most intelligent things that has been said about Libraries and City services in general. When you gut a city it declines, when you maintain a cultural and intellectual life it flourishes and brings jobs and tax base with it. The Ford brothers seem to be the only 2 people in Toronto who dont love our Library. They just a third rail; I think our branches are safe. Note by the way that circulation is not a clear indicator of usage.

Timmies VS Libraries Map Mash Up

Blog TO has put up a map mash up showing how many Tim Horton coffee shops (hundreds more) compared to libraries.

Here's the link:

Perth-Dupont Library - In danger of cuts?

With all of the service cuts and privatization plans that are being bandied about by our current mayor and council, do you think there's a threat to our local library branch? Has anyone heard anything?

Looks like the goal of this website is to pre-empt any library cuts:

We have a great Library

Everybody at that branch does a great job and they do an amazing job with the space they have. They deserve all the credit they can get. They have computers and tons of magazines and books from gardening to bicycle repair plus lots of local info. If I won the lotto I would buy the building next door and double their size.