Fuzzy Boundaries voting results: Top 10 names

The following media release come from the Fuzzy Boundaries neighbourhood naming group:

For Immediate Release – Saturday, January 30, 2010

Media Advisory

West Toronto Community Votes for Top 10 Neighbourhood Names

Stage Set for Final Selection of Area Name

Who: Fuzzy Boundaries, a group of local residents spearheading a naming project in their West Toronto neighbourhood north of Roncesvalles and east of The Junction.

What: The conclusion of a two-week voting process from which the Top 10 Neighbourhood Names have been chosen by area residents. A second (and final) round of voting begins on March 1 to select a neighbourhood name in a preferential vote that will allow residents to rank their three favourite names in order. Residents can vote online at www.fuzzyboundaries.ca or in person at the Perth/Dupont location of the Toronto Public Library, Yasi’s Place and Nonna’s Place.

Top Ten Neighbourhood Names

  1. Junction Triangle
  2. South Junction Triangle
  3. East Junction
  4. Railpath
  5. Railtown
  6. Black Oak Triangle
  7. Rail District
  8. The Wedge
  9. The Triangle
  10. Perth Park

Why: Naming the neighbourhood gives us a collective identity – something to call our area as a whole – which in turn creates a sense of pride and ownership. Through this process people begin to see the potential of a united neighbourhood and become more aware of what the community means to them.


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Thanks for the welcoming

Thanks for the welcoming comments! I'm liking the neighbourhood more and more everyday and I hope to get more involved in the coming months.

Vic, I actually meant to add in my previous post that I did not know what the neighbourhood was called before I moved in. I had initially thought it was part of the Junction proper and then when I found out that it wasn't I really didn't know what to tell my friends and family. I am fond of the "Junction Triangle" though; not everyone can say they live in a triangle!


Something Positive

I moved into the neighbourhood just a few weeks ago. The week before I moved into my new home there was a shooting just up the street from our house (on Edwin just north of Dupont). Needless to say, I was less than enthused by this and was actually really regretting my decision to move where I did. I started googling the neighbourhood and news items discussing it and that is how I came to learn of both this site and the fuzzy boundaries site. I viewed both sites as positive signs that I had made the right decision moving where I did and it made me hopeful that there were more caring individuals sharing the neighbourhood with me.

I think that the naming initiative is a great community building exercise and also a great way to let the rest of Toronto know about our neighbourhood through the media coverage the process has garnered and will garner. That's not to say that people in the Triangle did not care about the community before this initiative, but the naming process provides the city with tangible evidence by way of the vote. I know change is hard for some people, but I really think that even if the name remains "Junction Triangle" (which seems likely) the process is a beneficial one. It helped change my perspective of the neighbourhood and I'm sure there are countless others who feel the same way.


Hi Alicia,

Welcome to the neighbourhood. Like any place, there are sometime some rough edges and some bad events that happen. But I also think this is a great neighbourhood, with so many positive things happening. Hope you like it as much as I do!

As for the Fuzzy Boundaries project: Out of curiosity, did you have a name for this area before you moved here? I only heard of "Junction Triangle" shortly after moving here, but it still didn't seem like a very commonly used name.

Glad you found these websites!



This is so nice to hear. I had similar reservations when we first moved here five years ago. But I quickly came to love the neighbourhood. Sounds like you will too.

Kevin you must have been

Kevin you must have been sleeping when you moved into the neighbourhood. It has always been the Junction Triangle. Perhaps you need to tell everyone reading this the truth as to why you want to change the name. It isn't bringing the community together you are dividing it. And I blame you for that.

Start Your Own Site?

John, Jack (and others) if you feel so strongly about your views, perhaps it is time for you to start your own community web site. Then you can spend countless hours donating your time for free while people dismiss your contributions or call you names.

Most web sites are either moderated or have code of conduct rules. No one would believe you if you claimed that you have not been able to state your opinions here freely. Just try to stick to the appropriate discussion threads and use some common courtesy. It is pretty simple.

It is grossly unfair of you to criticize Vic after he has provided you (and many others) with a forum for your views for years (many views that he probably does not agree with). Vic has done more as a volunteer for this neighbourhood than anyone since the Junction Triangle environmental group by providing a forum to share information and discuss differing views. He selfless work has made this a infinitely better place to live.
Kevin Putnam

Your Statement is Factually Incorrect

Funny how its the same two names over and over and over.

I like the name Junction Triangle but at least I am honest enough to admit that the name didnt get any traction until the 70's.

Your statement "It has always been the Junction Triangle. " is factually incorrect. If you have some kind of evidence otherwise please let me know. Don't rant, show us the evidence that the 10 people researching this failed to find. I did my own research too at the West Toronto Group and the City Archives and could not find any evidence.

Just because its your opinion doesnt make it so, so please, show us the research that you have.

Your Statement is Factually Incorrect

Scott, Like I told a few of the media this weekend. Regardless how the name got hear. Many like myself, moved into the community knowing the hood to be called JT. Many got married hear, grown up their kids here and even died here, knowning only the name JT. So you should be a little sensitive to those who lived here before.

Now all the sudden someone come in, or 5 years later comes and tells everyone, hey this community is nameless and we need to rename it. What response do you expect to get, flowers and chocolate. I don't think so.

At first I was opposed to the name change, but I said if the majority of residents agreeded to the change, I am on board.

Now I don't know who numbers are right, with how many residents there is in the hood 8000 or 12,000 , even though. If you are using the voting system, it's 50% plus 1. I doult you had 4000 people vote. I don't think you had more then 100 people voted.

I don't know clearer this can be

Just to repeat this again, this process is non-binding, its a community based initiative that may produce something that lasts or might not. As Jane Farrow said, its ultimately the people who pick a name on their own through day to day use. Nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. I don't know clearer this can be.

(Sorry to correct you, as this has nothing to do with this NON BINDING process , but in our voting system you use the "first past the gate" process and not a 50 +1 process. In the 2006 municipal election only 9000 people voted in the ENTIRE ward. And Davenport has often been reported as having one of the lowest voter turnouts of any riding. Nobody has been even close to capturing 50 +1 of eligible voters. There are many reasons for this including the democratic option NOT to participate at all but life seems to go on.)

But be clear on this, this process has brought a lot of people in the community together who did not know each other before. There has been a lot of positive press about this community for a change. Your issues have had a fair hearing here and on the FB site and some changes were made because of concerns. You have made your case, you are just one person, a person who chose not be involved, and I suggest that it would look good on you to acknowledge and salute the enormous effort that people have put into this project as a community building exercise.

Voting on the name

When was the name "Junction Triangle" chosen for this neighbourhood? How many people voted for it then, and what percentage of the voters chose it?

I also seen the article in The Star, yesterday

Kevin, It took 6 years for you to speak up and out about the Junction Triangle, how come??. The Star quotes you living in the hood for 6 years, yet you never made any reference in the past that the community is without a name.

Was it that Fuzzy, tell us what happened. From the time you moved in, till the time you realized you were living in the Junction Triangle.