Photo is from the City of Toronto Archives.
Archival citation Fonds 1231, Item 1397
Title Symington Avenue crossing looking north
Date(s) of creation of record(s) July 23, 1923
Physical description of record(s) 1 photoprint : b&w ; 13 x 18 cm. — 1 photonegative : b&w ; 13 x 18 cm
Form of material Photographs
Photographs - streetscapes
Forms part of Fonds 1231; James Salmon collection
Access conditions OPEN - No restrictions on these non-government records.
Copyright conditions Use of these images for anything other than research or private study, i.e., publication, exhibit, broadcast, in a film or video, or on a website, requires written permission of the City of Toronto Archives...more
To request records at the archives To identify records that can be requested for reference purposes, please refer to the heading Records consist of or Finding aids.
Looks more like wallace facing east to me.
the picture says symington looking noth , but that would mean the tracks would therefore have to be running east to west , which the tracks in the area do not do. The tracks for the most part in our area run north and south,,,
those checker board sidewalks on the right side look an aweful lot like the checkerboard side walk that was on the south side of wallace as you walked facing east on wallace,,,those checker board patterns on the sidewalk lined up with a loading dock of an old building that was there for years. not sure but maybe the checkerboard cuts were to give the truck wheels more traction on the side walk ....
I remember going to a friends house east of the tracks on wallace and seeing girls using the squares for hop scotch thats why it sticks in my head, and it shue does look like wallace when your looking east...
should make a photo copy of this picture and go there and compare, wouldnt it be surprising if that old multi layered hydro pole thats shown on the left side of the road was still standing there.. there was a lot of those old classic hydro poles along the tracks near wallace and cambell park didnt see to many of them on the west rail line near dundas..
interesting stuff, nice pictures, ive downloaded and blown some up to get a closer
hi i forgot to add to the above ...
hi its me again , ok so as i said this picture may be wallace looking east , if so then im inclinded to think that the other picture is wallace looking west .....
Brett Rycombel
cheers .