Friday Evening Pleasure Skate at Campbell Park

From Michael:

Pleasure skating is doing well at Campbell rink. We are getting steady numbers for our Saturday, Sunday and Monday pleasure skating periods. This Friday January 28 from 6 to 9pm, partly as an experiment, we will be holding a special evening pleasure skating event, with campfire and music. We would like to invite everybody to come out to skate and drink hot chocolate by the fire. Pleasure skating is a great way to meet your neigbhours while getting some easy-paced outdoor exercise.

For those who don't know the rink is located at 255 Campbell Avenue (west of Lansdowne, north of Wallace and south of Dupont). Telephone 416-392-6921. The rink offers $2 skate rentals (govt-issued ID, eg. driver's licence required). Campbell is owned and operated by the City of Toronto. The rink is a public facility and there is no charge for skating or playing hockey.

Michael Monastyrskyj
Campbell recreation staff


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Pleasure skating with music 6-9pm tonight!

I want to remind everybody that there will be three hours of pleasure skating tonight 6-9pm at Campbell rink. There will be a campfire and music. If you have an iPod and have some music you'd like us to play, we'll try to fit it The people I've talked to are enthusiastic, so it should be fun. I hope to see you there.


i would love to hear the kind of music that i rollerskated too all those years ago....i am having a flashback right now!

re music

What kind of music did you rollerskate to?

nowadays it would be referred

nowadays it would be referred to as "classic" or "alternative" 80's.

Music for Friday night's pleasure skate?

if you plan to come to Friday's evening pleasure skate at Campbell, we'd be interested in hearing what kind of music you'd like to hear played over the sound system. Staff will be attaching their own ipods to the system, but our tastes may not be the same as yours. Personally, I think skating to Mozart would be lovely, but I have a feeling that wouldn't be too popular. I suppose if skaters want to bring their own ipods with their own playlists we could try to fit them in. We have three hours, 6-9pm to fill.