
Perth Ave.

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup

Some of the garbage collected during the cleanup organized by the South Perth and Sterling Residents Association.

Photo by Vic Gedris, 2008-10-04

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup

Some of the weeds and other garbage collected during the cleanup organized by the South Perth and Sterling Residents Association.

Photo by Vic Gedris, 2008-10-04

South Perth / Sterling - Fall Cleanup

The South Perth Ave. a& Sterling Rd. Residents Association has organized a Fall Cleanup for this coming Saturday. Details are below, and in the attached flyer.

South Perth Ave & Sterling Rd Residents Association
SP&S Residents Association

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
T 416 706-2469

Fall Cleanup day
Saturday, October 4, 2008 - 9:00 am


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