
Litter, garbage, and cleanliness.

Railpath Litter Cleanup

Railpath Litter Cleanup

Michael helping clean up litter on the Railpath, south of Bloor near Tower Automotive.

Photo by Vic Gedris, 2009-09-23.

Railpath Litter Cleanup

Railpath Litter Cleanup

Some spray paint cans and other litter that was cleaned up on the West Toronto Railpath.

Photo by Vic Gedris, 2009-09-23.

Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost

As you probably already know and have even possibly experienced in one way or another, Campbell Park was used as a temporary garbage dump during the recent City of Toronto workers strike.

The "garbage strike", as it was often referred to, lasted for just over one month, and our local rink at Campbell Park was used as a temporary dump site for approximately two weeks starting around July 16th. A group of residents calling themselves Friends of Campbell Park protested the use of Campbell Park as a dump.

Over the August long weekend, City Staff finally hauled the garbage away and started to clean up the rink. However, people are reporting that the site is still contaminated with the sticky leftovers of two weeks worth of garbage runoff.

Since I was away and unable to truly experience the effects of this strike on Campbell Park myself, I will leave it up to these media / blog / photo links to tell the story. If you have any of your own stories or comments about how this strike affected our neighbourhood, please feel free to share them in the comments below.

Media / Blog Links:

A few more photo links on Flickr:

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup, Spring 2009

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup, Spring 2009

South Perth Ave. and Sterling Road Residents Association, Spring 2009 Community Cleanup flyer.

2009 Community Cleanup day

On Saturday April 25th 2009 the annual Community Clean-up Day happens in neighbourhoods all across Toronto.

Last year, the SJTRA organized a cleanup of Campbell and Erwin Krickhahn Park, with good results. The South Perth and Sterling RA also had a cleanup in their section of the neighbourhood.

Successful South Perth / Sterling Fall Cleanup

The South Perth Ave. and Sterling Rd. Residents Association organized a Fall Cleanup on October 4th, 2008. Approximately 10 people helped to pick up litter and other trash, and clear overgrown weeds from the neighbourhood.

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup

Picking weeds and litter during the cleanup organized by the South Perth and Sterling Residents Association.

Photo by Vic Gedris, 2008-10-04

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup

Picking weeds and litter during the cleanup organized by the South Perth and Sterling Residents Association.

Photo by Vic Gedris, 2008-10-04

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup

Some of the garbage collected during the cleanup organized by the South Perth and Sterling Residents Association.

Photo by Vic Gedris, 2008-10-04

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup

South Perth and Sterling Cleanup

Some of the weeds and other garbage collected during the cleanup organized by the South Perth and Sterling Residents Association.

Photo by Vic Gedris, 2008-10-04

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