Davenport Diamond Grade Separation

Metrolinx is planning to grade-separate the railway tracks that run along the east side of our neighbourhood (between Campbell Ave. and Lansdowne) and the CN Tracks on the north side of our neighbourhood (between Dupont and Davenport). Here's the Google Map link.

Currently, these tracks cross each other at-grade, meaning that they intersect at ground level. Trains travelling along the north-south tracks must wait for east-west trains to finish passing through before they can proceed, and vice-versa. The grade separation plan proposes to elevate the north-south GO Transit Barrie Line tracks over the Davenport Diamond, eliminating the intersection and train traffic conflicts.

Though no details have been provided yet about exactly how this grade separation will occur, the summary basically goes like this:

  • A bridge will be built to carry GO trains on the Barrie line over the east-west freight line
  • The bridge would start ramping up from just north of Bloor St., proceed over the Davenport Diamond, and return to ground level north of the Diamond (probably between Davenport Rd. and St. Clair Ave.
  • Wallace Ave. would not be closed (as was possible in one of the previous grade separation proposals)
  • Some additional track crossings may be opened up, e.g. Paton Rd. or Antler St. / Lappin Ave.
  • Space under the bridge could potentially be re-purposed by the community (Park? Trail? Other?)

Timelines, construction methods, costs/funding, and other details have not been provided yet, though I expect some of that will be made available soon.

This thread will be updated as we continue to find out more. All comments and discussions related to this project will be consolidated here too.

Note: Grade separation was previously discussed in 2009 with a few options proposed, but this ended up getting rolled into a larger Barrie corridor expansion EA and shelved until recently.

Call for support: JT Daycare Co-op

Hi all:
We're trying to generate interest in a parent-involved daycare cooperative in the Junction Triangle area, and are looking for support from both families who would like to participate in an alternative model of providing childcare, and community members who would like to see more community-centered initiatives like this in the area.

Junction Triangle Traffic Management Committee - Phase 2 Meetup

Councillor Ana Bailão
In response to traffic related concerns raised by residents in the Junction Triangle neighbourhood, in 2012, I facilitated the creation of the Junction Triangle Traffic Management Committee (JTTMC). The JTTMC created a traffic management plan geared at addressing traffic issues in the community. By the end of 2014, many traffic improvements were implemented.
The JTTMC wants to get started on the 2nd Phase of the traffic management plan and would like your participation! For this reason, I invite you to a community meeting so you can meet your current JTTMC members, review the traffic improvements to date, and the JTTMC's working plan for the 2nd Phase. The JTTMC is also looking for additional help, so join us on March 5, and become a part of the JTTMC and this exciting project!
WHEN: Thursday, March 5, 2015
6:30 PM – 8:30 PM WHERE:
St. Rita's Catholic School
178 Edwin Ave.

Note: If you cannot attend this meeting for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact my office with your questions and/or concerns.

Bloor-Perth Underpass Art Project Consultation

Meeting invitation from Metrolinx. Download the original flyer with map and additional details here.

Help Choose Your Community’s Public Art!
Bloor-Perth Underpass Art Project Consultation

Crossways Employment and Social Services
2340 Dundas St. West 3rd floor suite 302
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
6:00pm – 8:00pm

Metrolinx and the City of Toronto’s StreetARToronto (StART) program have teamed up to deliver locallyinspired
public art that deters graffiti-vandalism while adding vibrancy and artistry to the community. This is
one opportunity to review preliminary concepts and let the artists know what you want the art in your
community to look like.

The concepts will also be posted online for review and feedback at www.gotransit.com/gts from March 5th
to March 11th. The successful artist will be chosen based on various criteria, including how the
community’s input is represented in their final design.

Twitter in the JT


Thought you might be interested. I started a Junction Triangle Twitter list, including individuals and businesses in the JT. If you want to follow it, be my guest. If you want to be on it, just Tweet me @wwoolrich and I'm happy to add you.



Castlepoint Redevelopment of Perth and Sterling


I was at the Castlepoint community update yesterday evening (Feb 24, 2015) re: the redevelopment happening at Perth and Sterling, and I audio recorded the meeting. Feel free to download.


Potential Salon Opening

Hi, I am considering opening up a salon on dupont west of symington and am wondering what local businesses and residents think about this. I know there are already, or have been salons open in this neighbourhood. I have been in a nearby neighbourhood(for 7 years) renting a chair and am considering opening up my own shop. The price point would be approx $30 for mens cuts and $55/60 for women's cuts. I would also be offering all other hair services, colouring, up do's etc. I come with a pretty full clientele, but want to bring other stylists.

Nitta Gelatin Odour Abatement Progress Update Meeting

Meeting info via Ward 18 City Councillor Ana Bailao's website:

MPP Martins would like to invite you to a meeting to update the community on Nitta Gelatin’s progress implementing its odour abatement plan. Representatives from the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change and Nitta Gelatin will be in attendance, as will I.

The meeting will be held at MPP Martins’ constituency office on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015, from 7:00-8:30pm. The address is 1199 Bloor St. West, which is two storefronts west of Brock and Bloor on the south side of the street.

If you’re planning to attend, please send a quick RSVP to cmartins.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org.

WHEN: January 20, 2015 at 7pm - 8:30pm
WHERE: Cristina Martins, MPP, Constituency Office
1199 Bloor St W
Toronto, ON M6H 1N4
Google map and directions
CONTACT: Matt Iannucci · cmartins.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org · 416-535-3158

Dog poop Wallace at the Railpath

dear Friends

Cheese Store in the JT?

Hello Junction Triangle!

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