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  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Nobody has asked me about Clean Train and there is already information about it elsewhere on this site so I am not sure what you are talking about.

    FYI the Medical Officer of Health today came out with very strong opposition to dirty diesel trains. Given that diesel is more polluting than other forms of exhaust which has scientifically been proven, that this will remain in our soil for years and years, that everybody else is going electric (why? ), I am inclined to trust the MO of BOH. There are some other links to see here too.

    I don't want this community to return to the toxic brew it was when an alternative public transit exists right now. Vancouver 2009 system; Toronto 1909 system. Question answered.

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    From where im sitting the "dirt" was dished out from both sides. I wouldn't call out only two people - ALL OF US HAVE BEEN RUDE (me included).

    I can't believe how blown out of proportion this has become. We need more bandwidth, these comments are wearing down the server.

    Irmina: thats a great idea. Im looking at doing some composting in my own backyard. There was a story on this in the Star during the strike for residences close to Dundas/Bathurst ie Scadding Court. The community there 1st did it in 2002 during the 1st garbage strike - it was popular. However, this time around the Ontario Gov't shut them down.


    Anyhow I like the idea and I think people would participate or at least have an alternative.


  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Beth I just can't get over what a strange coincidence it is that you, BrockD and Campbell all misspell the word strike the same way ("strick"). Could it be that you are playing games here? Reveal yourself imposter!

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    OK FOLKS enough is enough. The last 2 blogs make some sense and it's a good start. I am more concerned with the way some of you are abusing some of the residence, mainly those who call themselves "Friends of Campbell Park". I am OK with their answer as to why they did what they did. I saw the news clippings, yea there was yelling but I heard someone say, "Shame Mr. Mayor". I was there one night and I saw a women crying in the arms of another women and said she was afraid for the children now with the soil contaminated and she couldn't enjoy her front yard anymore. I really felt for her. I saw residence incuraging people to take their trash home for one night in support of what that community was trying to do. They did what they had to do to put pressure on whoever to stop the strick and give back the park to the community. Let's face it folks, this will happen again and the city needs to rethink were the trash will be dumped. I totally get it. They lived next door or behind and across the street from the park. I have been there twice and the second time I dropped off my trash I thought I was going to "lose my cookies". Is this making any sense to any of you?

    Kevin and Scott you are the worst of the bunch the rest of you coming in a close second. I found your comments to that bunch rude, abusive and hurtful. You call Virginia a queen and Jack the king. You are all way out of line. They have done good for this community but because of your prejudice toward them you haven't been allowing yourselves to see their side. There are a small hand full and do not speak for the rest of us. Kevin and Scott you refer to some of the people from Friends of Campbell Park as bullies. From were I sit it is both of you who are bullies and have antagonized these people. You both are school-yard bullies and try to provoke people into childish dialogue. You have resorted to name calling yourselfs like the"Boogeyman Outed" or "Ugly Face" or Reign of terror". You were both wrong or anyone else who has called these people names...that is rude and hurtful. You talk about respect yet you are disrespectful. You should be made to apologize for your behavior. Really boys grow up! You have both and others slandered their good names. I am sure that one can beprosecuted for slander even in this form.

    I don't know quite frankly why you pick on this small group of you refer them as gropies. But don't you think it's time to move on? Kevin and Scott go to your corners and have a time out. Then come back and apologize.

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Hi All,

    I was just looking into the City of Toronto web site and found this:

    It's about starting a community compost program. So next time, if there is a garbage strike, we can put our green bin waste somewhere. It describes how to get a compost committee together -- yes I know, another committee but many hands make light work.

    Just a suggestion...

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    But I don't think your name sounds like a woman's name. The reply wasn't for you.

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    I feel that we could get the city to agree that they need to come up with a contingency plan for next time. I never disagreed with the protest but like I said before, once I saw how it was being conducting I refused to participate in that. We should get the city to agree that our parks are for the children and if a strike happens again our parks will not be used, plain and simple. As for the reduction in garbage, the garden at Rankin could have been used for composting, like they did at Scaddingcourt, if it existed.

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago


    Thanks for bringing this thread back on-topic.

    It's too early to say that "there WILL be another strike" in three years. A strike needs to be avoided, so contract negotiations need to start long before the threat of a strike comes around.

    That said...another strike is certainly a possibility, whether in three years or at some other future date.

    I would suggest that we don't just plan for what happens if there's a strike, but start planning now to get everyone to minimize the amount of garbage they create, and reduce the amount of stinky green bin waste we throw out. I know I'm dreaming, but I would love to see a future where if there was another garbage strike and they decided to use our parks as dumps again, there wouldn't be any garbage to throw in they would remain empty...without all the protesting and shouting. Really, this shouldn't be that difficult to accomplish if everyone actually put some effort into it. Here's where we start, and you'll see that most of it revolves around composting:

    • Every home with a bit of land around it could easily fit a backyard composter. Most kitchen scraps and yard waste will be happily consumed by a backyard composter, and you end up with rich soil for you garden.
    • Worm composting. You can get worms that will devour your kitchen scraps and produce compost. People successfully do this indoors without too much trouble. It's a good option for those without yards to put in composters.
    • Share a composter with your neighbours: if your neighbours don't have room to compost on their own property, invite them to put their compostables in your own bin. No stinky garbage for them, and more compost for you. Win-win.
    • Meat scraps, bones, dairy, and fat can't be composted in a backyard composter. For a carno-lactovore like myself, that can be tough. :) But minimizing meat intake at home, or choosing meat that leaves less waste will reduce the amount that needs to be green-binned.
    • Use re-usable cloth diapers. Wash them out, and there's nothing for the green bin. I'm sure this one's tough to adapt to, especially for anyone used to the convenience of throw-aways, but thousands do it. And if a strike happens again, it might be better to put up with the inconvenience of washing diapers, rather than having them piling up at home or in the local parks.
    • Rinse your recyclables so they don't attract flies and vermin. Same with any garbage that might be contaminated with food.
    • Flatten your garbage and recyclables so they take up less space
    • Don't buy items with excessive packaging that just takes up space in your home before garbage/recycling day. Choose items with less packaging, or leave the excess at the store for them to get rid of.
    • If a strike happens, the few remaining bit of non-compostable green-bin waste (e.g. bones) can be frozen or refrigerated to prevent rotting.
    • etc...etc... There are plenty of other waste-reducing ideas that should be very simple to carry out.

    Of course, I would never expect everyone to turn around and produce zero waste starting now. I'm nowhere near that myself. But with a bit of effort from everyone, a bit of help amongst ourselves, and then some extra effort when a strike may happen, we should easily be able to keep our parks clean. Compostables are already taken care of at home, "garbage" is minimized and can be stored a bit longer, recyclables are clean.... shouldn't be a big deal to store for a bit of extra time.

    Less garbage, green-bin waste, and recycling means less stinky trucks driving through our 'hood every week. It also means less money spent on landfills and other disposal schemes. Lower taxes. Also...because green bin waste is almost entirely water, which is quite heavy by volume, we would end up saving HUGE amounts of fuel by not carting that stuff around everywhere unnecessarily.

    Damn...I sound like a granola-head idealist...but really, this is all simple stuff that anyone should be able to do to help minimize the impacts of a strike.

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Are you talking to me? It looks like a reply to my post, but I'm not sure.

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    I think Vic already had an excellent suggestion about making less garbage.
    If we put our minds to it I bet that could make a far bigger difference than you might think.
    Perhaps we could start a series of brainstorming threads starting with "Garbage September" where we could share ideas about how we could avoid making as much garbage as we are used to making.

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Seeing grown ass people argue - lol
    So, have we handed out any awards or came to a conclusion yet?

    As for what will happen in 3 years. Not sure, but I think the city will a change this practice of using parks. Also, I strongly believe privatization will be a major platform issue for all hopefuls that are running in Nov 2010.

    Last week the City has already asked the auditors to compare costs with privatization.

    I won't hold my breath on this, but come 2012 we all may have to, once again (hope not).


  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Again it's a win or lose, in your face attitude. I don't think that helps your case as the woman for the common people.

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.

    - Indira Gandhi

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Plan B for a Future Garbage Strike

    Let's try and brainstorm a Plan B, if out of our control, the City decides to use Campbell Park rink again, as a dump site. We know in another three or so years there WILL be another strike.

    My two cents: we use our community web site forum to discuss issues as to how to act as a community to get our point across to the City.

    What would our plan B be? Anyone else?

    Public Meeting Conduct

    1. What sort of conduct should WE as a community find acceptable during public meetings?
    2. How do WE as a group react when one or two people escalate an issue to shouting and name-calling?
    3. How do we calm things down so that BOTH SIDES are heard and the issue at hand doesn't become a win or
    lose situation?
    4. How do WE as a group encourage COMPROMISE?

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    This has gotten sooo boring and long in the tooth now. I thought we were going to try and shut this subject down to move on to something else. Yes we know there's a lot of disagreement of the way some members in the community protested about the strike including myself and there is still gripping about the garden but maybe it is time to move on to new pressing issuses rather than everyone repeating themselves or throwing each others comments back at each other endlessly.
    The only possible good that might of happened is that some people released some pent up frustation/anger they couldn't express otherwise.

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    I disagree that internet forums with anonymous posting are part of the problem. Technically the internet gives you the opportunity to consider your words more carefully than you might otherwise. Many people do not take advantage of this opportunity. I choose to sign in and stand behind my words - they will often be wrong but I am not looking to deny them. Other people do not. This may help them overcome concerns they may have about expressing themselves - that's okay.
    Even if you continue to post anonymously, I would encourage you write your thoughts out first, walk away and reconsider them for a moment, use a spell check, and please Capitalize Proper Names.
    BrockD is extremely unlikely to read this and think: "This is true, I AM the one who needs to shut up." A more carefully crafted message is likely to have a much greater impact.
    This is just the musing of a lunatic, no reason to take it seriously.

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Virginia: I think you are trying to be conciliatory here. Earlier you tried to remind Scott that you are a loving person, and this is good. It is important also that these things not come across as incongruous. This may seem to be a frivolous point for me to make, but this is an open forum, it reflects and shapes the culture of the community. I couldn't say to someone "I love you but I will not listen to what you say." I wouldn't sound loving, I would sound crazy. To tone down this discussion all parties need to respond to the message of the other parties. Well intentioned people are starting to take things far out of hand. Look at BrockD below. When he says “leave good people alone” he is dividing the community into good people and presumably bad people. He's trying to stand up for his friends, but he's gone way too far. I thought it was funny Scott took a shot at you over not answering questions. You know that he will never answer questions about the clean train thing. The whole thing rests on ignoring the pollution saved by having fewer cars; which is justified by a ridiculous assumption that the trains would be empty. Well, that's not the point. But neither is a name change or any boogeyman. The issue is way people in the community relate to each other. Earlier in the thread an anonymous poster stated: "Frankly it doesn't matter what you say or think.” This statement perfectly epitomises the problem. But anonymous people are not going to solve anything. I am addressing you because I believe you are looking for reconciliation. I think we should agree that before we stage publicity stunts we should raise issues here. Unless there is a better place. And, more importantly we should agree that we should respect and try to understand the positions we do NOT agree with. Don't get me wrong. I am strongly in favor of vigorous disagreements and ridiculous publicity stunts. But our voice will always be stronger when we can speak together. To do that we need to speak to and listen to each other. Many of these issues are not as divisive as they may seem. I know tories who are gardeners and socialists who support public transit for instance. And for the life of me I can't think of any legitimate reason garbage would divide people across any particular lines.
    SCOTT: I would like you to make the same agreement. At the top of this discussion you implied that the garbage was not an important issue. I think you were trying to provoke a discussion that might clear the air. If so, mission accomplished. However you knew it is an important issue to some people and we can not set a president that it is appropriate to hijack a discussion like that.
    I am not trying to make friends, I am only trying to be even handed. Probably the only one here who truly doesn't care if they speak for anyone else.
    Good night.

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    your not one to talk about ones tone towards any body seeing that you have made some rather rude comments to many in the community forum... funny how fast you cleared that up once you realized you were caught in taking credit for something you had not done

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    BrockD your the one who needs to SHUT UP and start to respect others , i saw the clip you keep going on about and your right that question was asked and the mayor ignored it because it was a stupied one any way , instead why not ask if they would make sure the rink would be cleaned peoperly and the grass restored , the very same things you are now complaining about , you have no problem being a bully because your hiding behind a made up name but if you were face to face with who has been writing on this forum you would be quite, in the end we are all up set that the strike went as it did and that all communities had there parks turned into dumps but your all missing the most important part of this strike had nothing to do with any stupied garden or the garbage it had to do with the fact that our kids lost out on alll there summer activities and that parents had no day care or day camps but no one talks about that now do they , or how the seniors in the community had to use budle buggies to get to the dumps and when they got there people decided to tell them off
    and for your iinformation i live closer to campbell park then jack or virginia so stop shooting your mouth off about those that are complaining live near symington and bloor ....last time i checked so does jack.

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    for your info i live closer to the park then jack or virgina and you

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    wanting what is best for our community has nothing to do with what party you vote for , it says alot when someone admits she doesn't care if she offends another person,

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    Go ahead and post those pictures so everyone can see for themselves the truth about the size of the garden. Maybe you also have pictures of the people who took it upon themselves to vandalize city property with hammers and crowbars before the city could correct their mistake. Again you choose to see one side of the issue because not everyone is commenting about the garden. It is not about that. And your comment about you being able to speak but what I say doesn't matter just shows how one sided your tactics are.

  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    give all of us a break you have no dame right to brag you or jack you don't care what others have done for the community, and if you want us to pat you on the back gives examples of what you have done for the community we have asked you then many times and have yet to get an answer.

  • Tower Automotive: What's Inside?   8 years 34 weeks ago

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  • Campbell Park dump cleaned up.....almost   8 years 34 weeks ago

    If you call going to a meeting were you discuss changing railway lines along Dundas of changing the name of a commuity or other things no thanks Jack and I have to many things on the go in and out of this community. People have invinted us for our input. As for the boogyman. To bad you can't see me laughing. Again it shows your imature behaviour. The old saying STICKS AND STONES WILL BREAK MY BONES BUT NAMES WILL NEVER HURT ME. Nice try folks you lose.
    So Long and may the force be with you.